Writing is one of my greatest passions. I am also passionate about other things as well. One of those is my belief in Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was a 3rd Century bishop who performed many miraculous things. He was also a man who gave to help those in need and is also the inspiration for our modern day Santa Claus. So, Santa Claus does exist. It can't be denied.
When I started doing my research for my book "Saint Nick" I came across a film that was in production entitled "Nicholas Of Myra: The Story Of St. Nicholas". It is being written and directed by a Gerald Hartke, whom I have become good friends with over the years. He, like myself, is also a follower of St. Nicholas and believes in giving as the Saint would. A couple of years ago he started "St. Nick's Holiday Mission" with the sole purpose to help underprivileged children in need with the assistance of the many "Santa Clauses" around the world. It was a great success.
This year, Gerald has revived St. Nick's Holiday Mission once again, only with a bigger purpose and scope. As everyone is well aware, 2020 has been a very strange and difficult year with the COVID-19 Pandemic. It has put a strain on many especially out local food banks around our country and throughout the world. Therefore, this year's mission is to help those food banks and as Gerald has so aptly put it, "Feed A Neighbor In Need".
To do this, he has come up with something unique. Starting today, November 1, 2020, exclusively through iTunes, you can download the song "Carol of the Drum". The song is performed by Jay Dref and orchestrated by Philip Klein. The song will be featured in the movie "Nicholas of Myra: The Story of St. Nicholas". The song will also be released in Spanish, Italian, German, and French at various dates throughout November. An album with every version will be released a few days after the individual versions have been released. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the song, in all languages, will be distributed to food banks worldwide. This is a great cause and being a follower of St. Nicholas, something I am behind and am asking you for your support.
Please spread the word about this great cause which when you look at it, is small in cost, but will be huge in scope. This will become a Christmas Classic and is beautifully done. I personally have already downloaded the English version this morning. I will be downloading the German version as well upon its release.
If you need more information go to...https://youtu.be/6JPalcHVGIA. You can also find more information at www.CarolOfTheDrum.com.
My thanks to all for your support and Merry Christmas! Let's make this Christmas one of the best ever as it is sorely in need this year!
