Welcome once again to the Writing Wednesday Blog! Wednesday is the day I sit down and spend my day doing what I love to do...Write! And though I did some writing today on the 8th book currently titled 30 Storeys I wanted to use today's blog to talk about what's up for the upcoming Holiday Season.
Yes, my friends the Holiday Season is right around the corner. Halloween is just a couple of weeks away, Thanksgiving a month after that, followed by Christmas (my personal favorite time of the year) and then the New Year. With that in mind I know many people start making plans and I am no different. Lots on the my plate for me as an author and lots of promoting and signings are in my future. With that being said here is what I have planned from now till the beginning of 2024...

I have posted this picture a couple of times on Facebook in the last couple of months. The first time was for promoting my latest novel, What Happened To The ‘Muth’?. The second time I posted it a few weeks ago was to tease an upcoming promotion. Now that we are closer to the Christmas Season I can now announce that promotion. Please note the Room number in the photo, 342 – Schmitt. This is an actual room in the Bavarian Inn Lodge that is featured in the novel What Happened To The ‘Muth’?. I have donated 5 copies of my novel What Happened To The ‘Muth’? to the Bavarian Inn Lodge. With their assistance, they will place a copy of the book in Room 342 – Schmitt each weekend during the 2023 Holiday Season starting Thanksgiving weekend through the weekend going into Christmas. Whomever stays at the Bavarian Inn Lodge during these weekends in this room will receive a complimetary copy of What Happened To The ‘Muth’?. It is my way of saying Thanks for all the success the book has had this year.

This year for the Small Business Signing Saturday I am doing a special box set. The Krow Writer Collection 2012 – 2023is just that, a collection of all 7 novels I have published to date. Each novel will be individually signed by me. This collection contains The Seventh Year (2012); The Snowball Effect (2013); Saint Nick (2015); The Game Jynx’d (2018); Murder In The Storm (2019); The Demon Of Sweet Briar (2020); and What Happened To The ‘Muth’? (2023). For that reader on your Christmas List that likes unique reads from an author who is local and self-published this collection would make a fantastic gift. This is also the only way you will be able to obtain a signed copy of my second novel The Snowball Effect as I have made it exclusive to this set. This set is also Limited. There will only be 2 available during this signing only.
Speaking of signings, I will be doing quite a few of them over the next few months. All of them will be in Frankenmuth, Michigan. Here is a listing of when and where I will be…

This Saturday, October 14, 2023, Signing Saturday returns to ScareCrow Fest! I will be hosted by my good friends at Charlin’s Book Nook located in the River Place Shops from 11am to 5pm. The Seventh Year, The Demon Of Sweet Briar, and Murder In The Storm are the featured books at this signing. Though all of my novels, including my latest, What Happened To The ‘Muth’? will also be available for purchase and for signing.

My next signing will be a new experience for me. I will be participating at the Holiday Open House on Friday, November 3, 2023 at the Covered Bridge Shop. I will be signing copies of my latest book, What Happened To The ‘Muth’? from 11am to 5pm. This will be the only book available for purchase and signing at this event and I look forward to being there! Details on this one are still be finalized so follow me on my Facebook page as I should have all the details by the end of the week.

Then on Saturday, November 25, 2023, a signing event near and dear to my heart as it is Small Business Signing Saturday! A opportunity for you to support those local businesses for the Holiday Season instead of those big box companies. I will again be hosted by my good friends at Charlin’s Book Nook (A Local Small Business) located in the River Place Shops (A Bunch of Small Businesses). The Holiday Favorite Saint Nick is of course the featured book of the day but all of my books will be avaliable for signing and purchase for that bookworm or dragon on your Christmas List. As mentioned earlier in this blog, 2 Limited Edition Box Sets of The Krow Writer Collection will be available for purchase during this signing as well. Remember to support Local and Self-Published this Christmas Season!

Finally, my last Signing Saturday of the year will be the 2 Days Before Christmas Signing Saturday on December 23, 2023 from 11am to 5pm. Again, Charlin’s Book Nook in the River Place Shops will be my hosts. All my books are featured at this signing event and it is a great way for you to pick up that last minute read for yourself or for those readers on your Christmas List. If either of The Krow Writer Collection is still available you will have a shot at it at this signing as well.
Remember if for some reason you can’t make it to one of my signings Charlin’s Book Nook is the exclusive home in Frankenmuth for copies of Saint Nick which is a perfect Christmas Story. You can pick it up in store or order it online.
You can also pick up signed copies exclusively in Frankenmuth at both Charlin’s Book Nook and at Covered Bridge Shop both shops have it in store and online.
I usually have some copies of my books left from my signings. If you didn’t get a chance to get to a signing to get a copy and you would like one for that person on your Christmas list email me for availability at bkrowwriter@gmail.com. I will be more than happy to send you a signed copy of the title(s) of your choice.
So, there you have it. Lots going on starting this Saturday running through the end of 2023. I hope that if you get a chance you will come out and see me as I enjoy talking with everyone who comes out. Thank you all for your support as it means the world to me. And don't forget...This Holiday Season and every Holiday Season Support Local and Self-Published!
Until Next Time...